Your nervous system controls and coordinates every function of your body. It is your nervous system that allows you to adapt and live in your environment. Chiropractic is a holistic method of keeping your spine, nerves, and energies functioning without interference so you can live a healthy lifestyle.
Head, face, upper neck, inner & middle ear, sympathetic nerve system, sinuses, eyes, auditory nerves and more.
Neck, shoulders, thyroid, tonsils, teeth, outer ear, nose, mouth, vocal cords, and more.
Arms, hands, heart, coronary arteries, esophagus, trachea, lungs, bronchial tubes, gallbladder, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands, small intestines, and more.
Large intestines, appendix, abdomen, bladder, reproductive organs, lower back, lower extremities, ankles, feet, and more.
Hip bones, tail bone, buttocks, rectum, anus, and more.
So if your spine is out of alignment do you think the messages are getting from the brain to where they are headed as well as they could?????