Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Small Things Are Large (B J Palmer - chiropractor)

Small Things Are Large (B J Palmer - chiropractor)

    A slip on the snowy sidewalk, in winter, is a small thing.  It happens to millions.
    A fall from a ladder, in the summer, is a small thing.  That also happens to millions.
    The slip or fall produces a subluxation.  Thesubluxation is a small thing.
    The subluxation produces pressure on a nerve.  That pressure is a small thing.
    The pressure cuts off the flow of mental impulses.  That decreased flowing is a small thing.
    That decreased flowing produces a dis-eased body and brain.  That is a big thing to that man.
    Multiply that sick man by a thousand, and you control the physical and mental welfare of a city.
    Multiply that man by a million and you shape the physical and mental destiny of a State.
    Multiply that man by one hundred thirty million, and you forecast and can prophesy the physical and mental status of a nation.

    Now comes a man.  Any one man is a small thing.
    This man gives an adjustment.  The adjustment is a small thing.
    The adjustment replaces the subluxation.  That is a small thing.
    The adjusted subluxation releases pressure upon nerves.  That is a small thing.
    The released pressure restores health to a man.  That is a big thing to that man.
    Multiply that well man by a thousand, and you step up physical and mental welfare of a city.
    Multiply that well man by a million, and you increase the efficiency of a State.
    Multiply that well man by one hundred thirty million, and you have produced a healthy, wealthy, and better race for posterity.
An adjustment of the subluxation, will release pressure upon nerves, restore mental impulse flow from above – down and inside - out, can improvehealth and be big enough to rebuild thoughts and actions of the world.

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